Interzone's 2020 cover artist is Warwick Fraser-Coome
Each Cell a Throne by Gregor Hartmann
illustrated by Vincent Sammy
The man Philippa Song had been hired to save was extremely old. She knew that in advance. Still, she flinched when he opened the door of his hotel room.
Flyover Country by Julie C. Day
illustrated by Richard Wagner
Lovers are like flash floods, car collisions, aneurisms: always a possibility but never exactly expected. A small-plane pilot for AeroFix Corp, Sam arrived in my bed via a tray of purple pansies and a convoy of trucks intent on invading the Verona Municipal Airport.
Frankie by Daniel Bennett
After Frankie died, his shack in the woods became a sort of shrine. People travelled from all over the country to visit this place in the mountains to the south of our country, where he’d seen out the last of his days. Students and children camped outside on the grass, sleeping under light blankets, eating yellow broth cooked up in a pot over a fire. People read excerpts from Frankie’s work. A local band played.
Salvage by Andy Dudak
illustrated by Martin Hanford
Statues congest the silent lanes and marketplaces of the crumbling, overgrown village, figures life-size and life-like except for the glowing veins suffusing their ceramic flesh, children and adults and elders fixed during a long-ago, fateful moment. Aristy makes her way among the familiar faces of Picti Street. The morning mists burn away from the vine-curtained, root-clutched stone facades on either side. It’s early now, but it was nearly dinnertime when these villagers were transformed a millennium ago.
The Dead Man's Coffee by John Possidente
illustrated by Richard Wagner
Dateline: Humboldt Station, GEO
“Photovore Trial at La a’ref”
Byline: Debin, CEJ#220377
I’m in Mollie’s again, and I’m drinking the dead man’s coffee.
Mollie’s is the little eatery near the spindle where I spend my time in between assignments. Until I run out of money, that is. Mollie doesn’t put up with freeloaders taking up tables, and she doesn’t extend credit.
Black Static #73 Out Now
Black Static is published at the same time, and in the same format, as Interzone. Issue 73 contains new dark fiction by Stephen Volk, Keith Rosson, Maria Haskins, Gregory Norman Bossert, and Jack Westlake. The cover art is by Ben Baldwin (for Stephen Volk's 'Sicko'), and interior illustrations are by Richard Wagner, Ben Baldwin, Vincent Sammy, and others. Regular features: Notes From the Borderland by Lynda E. Rucker; Into the Woods by Ralph Robert Moore; Case Notes book reviews by Laura Mauro, Andy Hedgecock, David Surface, Andrew Hook, Daniel Carpenter, and Georgina Bruce who also interviews Priya Sharma; Blood Spectrum film reviews by Gary Couzens. To take out a subscription to Black Static, or Black Static + Interzone combined, please click on the Shop link above or below.
Guest Editorial
Andy Dudak
Future Interrupted: Dark Times, Corporate Blather and Exhilarating Contempt
Andy Hedgecock
Climbing Stories: Plastic Tub Space Adventures
Aliya Whiteley
Ansible Link
David Langford
Book Zone
Jack Deighton: Skein Island by Aliya Whiteley, The Menace from Farside by Ian McDonald • John Howard: Sideways in Time edited by Glyn Morgan & C. Palmer-Patel • Maureen Kincaid Speller: Hidden Whyndham: Life, Love, Letters by Amy Binns • Stephen Theaker: Bridge 108 by Anne Charnock, plus author interview • Andy Hedgecock: The Cryine Machine by Greg Chivers
Mutant Popcorn
Nick Lowe
Films reviewed include Lucy in the Sky, Jumani: The Next Level, Frozen II, Weathering With You, Promare, Doctor Sleep, Last Christmas, The Lighthouse
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