Books Received - An Update
Listed below are the books received for review since the last update, which was back on 16 November 2015.
There are twenty one new titles and one and two thirds of them have been written or edited by women, taking our final totals for the year to two hundred and sixty three books received, fifty eight and one sixth of them with a female by-line (22%).
Standard Disclaimer: As ever, people are welcome to query me regarding the possibility of a review by writing to with the usual caveat that an expression of interest does not guarantee if or when a review will be done.
April 2016
- Thomas Olde Heuvelt - Hex - Hodder & Stoughton hc
March 2016
- Gary Fry - What They Find in the Woods - Dark Minds Press pb (PDF)
February 2016
- Jean Lorrain - Nightmares of an Ether-Drinker - Snuggly Books pb (PDF)
- David Rix - A Suite in Four Windows - Snuggly Books pb (PDF)
- Justin Isis - DivorceProcedures for the Hairdressers of a Metallic and Inconstant Goddess - Snuggly Books pb (PDF)
- Jeremy Bates - The Catacombs - Ghillinnein Books pb (PDF)
- Lee Thompson - After the Fog Clears - DarkFuse eBook
January 2016
- Ed Kurtz - Nausea - DarkFuse eBook
- Mike Carey, Linda Carey, & Louise Carey - The House of War and Witness - CZP pb (PDF)
- Keith Lee Morris - Travellers Rest - W&N hc (ARC)
- Matthew Lewis - The Monk - Oxford World Classics pb
December 2015
- John Everson - Sacrificing Virgins - Samhain Publishing pb (PDF)
- Edited by Paul Finch - Terror Tales of the Ocean - Gray Friar Press pb (PDF)
- Maynard Sims - Death's Sweet Echo - Tickety Boo Press Ltd pb (mobi)
- Adam Roberts - The Thing Itself - Gollancz pb
November 2015
- Henry C. Mercer - November Night Tales - Swan River Press hc
- Antony J. Stanton - Once Bitten, Twice Die - Self-published pb (PDF)
October 2015
- Edited by Kathe Koja & Michael Kelly - The Year's Best Weird Fiction Volume 2 - Undertow Publications pb (PDF)
- Edited by S. T. Joshi - The Madness of Cthulhu Volume Two - Titan Books pb
September 2015
- Flada Fey - Pinball Drugs Aliens Satan - Furtive Labors pb
March 2015
- Edited by Lavie Tidhar & Rebecca Levene - Jews Versus Zombies - Jurassic London eBook (mobi)
Section items by date: