Interzone 258 and Black Static 46 Out Soon
The May–June issues of Interzone and Black Static will be out very soon.
Interzone 258 has new science fiction and fantasy by T.R. Napper, Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam, Julie C. Day, Christien Gholson, and Malcolm Devlin, with colour illustrations by Jim Burns, Warwick Fraser-Coombe, Vince Haig, and Richard Wagner. The cover art is the latest in the 2015 series by Martin Hanford. The issue contains the regular columns by David Langford, Nina Allan, Jonathan McCalmont, Nick Lowe, Tony Lee, and in Book Zone Maureen Kincaid Speller interviews E.J. Swift about the Osiris Project. Guest editorial is 'Freak Zone' by Christopher Fowler.
Black Static 46 has new horror fiction by Steven J. Dines, Ralph Robert Moore, Damien Angelica Walters, Sarah Read, Neil Williamson, and Gary McMahon, with illustrations by Ben Baldwin, Vincent Sammy, and Richard Wagner. The cover art is by Ben Baldwin. Lynda E. Rucker and Stephen Volk supply their usual comment columns, Tony Lee reviews many new DVD/BD releases, and as well as reviewing a lot of books Peter Tennant delivers an extensive interview with Ralph Robert Moore.
These new issues are available to order now, but please consider subscribing instead: you'll get issues much cheaper and much quicker. Don't forget that you can take out an even more discounted subscription to both Interzone and Black Static. If you're already a subscriber please check the status of that subscription and renew if necessary, so we can include the new issue(s) in the main mailing.
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