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Black Static

New Horror Fiction BLACK STATIC 82/83 OUT NOW

Coming Shortly

29th Oct, 2015

Author: Peter Tennant

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Black Static #49 is nearly ready to go off to the printers and will be mailing out to subscribers in early November. Andy will be along shortly to reveal the full contents, but in the meantime I'm here to let the cat out of the bag regarding what books get reviewed in the Case Notes section of the magazine this time around.

Here's what we've got for you:-


Reviews of short story collection The Mirrors and novel Mr. Suicide, plus an interview with the author.


Reviews of Orpheus on the Underground and Other Stories by Rhys Hughes, Strange Tales IV edited by Rosalie Parker, The Bitterwood Bible and Other Recountings by Angela Slatter, and The Loney by Andrew Michael Hurley.


Reviews of Blackout by Tim Curran, A Shrill Keening by Ronald Malfi, Facial by Jeff Strand, and In the Shadows of Children by Alan Ryker.


Reviews of The Sad Tale of the Deakins Boys by Will Hill, These Last Embers by Simon Strantzas, There's a Bluebird in My Heart by Gary McMahon, and The Visible Filth by Nathan Ballingrud.

That's fourteen titles reviewed this issue, four of them written or edited by women, taking our totals for the year so far to eighty six titles reviewed and twenty two of them with a female byline (26%).

That compares with two hundred and twenty books received for review so far this year, fifty three of them with a female byline (24%).



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