Books Received - An Update

Listed below are the books received for review since the last update, which was back on 31 January 2015.
There are fourteen new titles, and three of them have been written or edited by women, taking our totals for the year so far to twenty nine books received, four and a half of them with a female byline (16%).
Standard Disclaimer: As ever, people are welcome to query me regarding the possibility of a review by writing to whitenoise@ttapress.com with the usual caveat that an expression of interest does not guarantee if or when a review will be done.
June 2015
- Dan Wells - The Devil's Only Friend - Tor hardcover (ARC)
April 2015
- William Meikle - The Dunfield Terror - DarkFuse eBook
- Allan Leverone - After Midnight - DarkFuse eBook
March 2015
- Edited by Ellen Datlow - The Doll Collection - Tor Books hc (PDF)
- Simon Kurt Unsworth - The Devil's Detective - Del Rey hardback
February 2015
- Dan Weatherer - Only the Good Burn Bright - James Ward Kirkman Publishing (PDF)
- Silvia Moreno-Garcia - Signal to Noise - Solaris pb (PDF)
- Simon Sylvester - The Visitors - Quercus paperback
- Andrew Pyper - The Damned - Simon & Schuster hb (ARC)
January 2015
- Edited by Jeani Rector - Shrieks and Shivers from The Horror Zine - Post Mortem Press paperback
December 2014
- Lars Kramhøft & Tom Kristensen - Made Flesh - Evil Jester Press graphic novel (PDF)
- Samuel Marolla - Imago Mortis - Acheron Books eBook (mobi)
- Edited by Rob Redman - New Ghost Stories II - The Fiction Desk pb
November 2014
- Samuel Marolla - Black Tea and Other Tales - Acheron Books eBook (mobi)
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